本文利用浙、粤两省的企业家和公众的问卷调查数据,运用线性概率模型(LPM),分别选取被信任程度(Trustworthy)、信任他人程度(Trusting)和信任的区域歧视(Region Discrlruination)3个指标来刻画信任观。并建立了包括地区、身份、年龄、性剐、受教育水平、宗教信仰在内的6因素模型来测度信任观的影响因素。实证检验的结果表明,企业家虽然比普通公众较少考虑交易对象的籍贯,但企业家的被信任程度和信任他人程度在统计上与普通公众未呈现出显著差异;浙江地区信任他人程度显著高于广东地区.但在被信任、信任的区域歧视这两个方面.浙江、广东未表现出显著差异:信任受到性别、年龄、教育和宗教信仰等因素的影响。
Based on the survey data from entrepreneurs and general public in Zhejiang and Guangdong province, this paper chooses "Trustworthy", "Trusting" and "Region Discrimination" to characterize the view of trust and constructs a six-factor model, containing region, identity, age, gender, education and religion, to estimate the factors of impacting the view of trust. The empirical results show that although considering trader's origin native place less than general public, entrepreneurs "Trustworthy" and "Trusting" is not statistically different from general public; "Trusting" is higher in Zhejiang province than that in Guangdong province, while "Trustworthy" and "Region Discrimination" is not different between Zhejiang and Guangdong province; Age, gender, education and religion can all affect the view of trust