以单味药的药性为基础,以24个变量为基本指标,给出药性指标的量化方法 ,提出方剂药性特征的概念,并给出方剂药性特征的数学表达方法。以方剂药性特征为基础探讨消渴方的药性特征和寒凉类、温热类方剂的药性特征。结果表明,方剂药性特征能够反映方剂药性的基本性质,为进一步探讨方剂的配伍规律提供了新的思路。
The paper provided a quantitative method of Chinese herb nature using 24 medicinal natures as the basic index of single herb. The concept of formula nature was proposed and a mathematic presentation method was made out. The formulas with cool or warm nature and the formula used to treat wasting-thirst were studied based on the concept of formula nature. The results indicated that the concept of formula nature can reflect the nature composition of different kind of formulas. The study gives a new idea in the further research of formula design laws.