为研究莫高窟窟前林带内大型乔木根系的生长状况以及可能对石窟文物造成的威胁,使用SIR-3000型便携式探地雷达对莫高窟第88窟前的银白杨(Populus alba)根系进行了无损探测。通过400MHz天线扫描银白杨树干周围3.4m×8.0m的长方形区域后,用GPR-SLICE v7.0软件处理扫描数据得到二维及三维图像。分析结果表明:探测范围内的根系分布呈现出东侧、南侧与北侧密集,西侧稀少的特征,部分直径大于50cm的根系向洞窟方向延伸。实验证明,探地雷达能够在不破坏遗产地固有形貌的前提下探测出其本体内及周围树木根系的大小、分布深度与范围,进而为研究树木根系对遗产地影响程度的等级评估提供依据。
In this study,the portable ground penetrating radar( SIR-3000) has been introduced to detect a abele( Populus alba) root system which distributed in front of the Cave 88 at Mogao Grottoes. We aimed to prove that whether large trees( or arbor) root system is a threat to cave structures' safety. The distance between the cave and the tree trunk is about 14. 6 meters. The 3. 4m × 8. 0m rectangular area around the trunk has been selected for belowground roots detecting,tested by a 400 MHz ground coupled antenna,and the scan data was analyzed by the software GPR-SLICE v7. 0. The results indicated that the root system reached to the depth of 1. 5m. Most of them concentrated at the east side,south side and north side of the trunk,but distributed sparsely at the west side in our survey areas. A potential security risk exists caused by a large root with diameter greater than 50 cm and extend to the west side. Therefore,roots with diameter greater than 50 cm might cause damages to the stability of cave structures if they extended to the cave direction and kept growing without prevention. Ground penetrating radar can detect the depth and location of the underground root system in a nondestructive way,and provide a reliable basis for study the impact level of the plant roots on cave safety around Mogao Grottoes.