In order to study the goaf stability of gentle dipped and medium thickness ore body, based on studying the mechanism mechanism of goafs, collecting the ore deposit data, mining process and the laboratory experiments of rock mechanics, the numerical simulation software FLAC is applied to simulate the mining work of 4th stope of the NO. 2 ore body in Mofang mine. According to the analysis of the goaf vertical stress distribution, the increasing tendency of plastic zones and the distribution of shear strain increment, the goal stability and failure tendency is concluded. The stability and tendency can be described as : ( 1 ) Tensil stress concentration is induced at the middle of goaf roof and footwall; (2)The existing of shear failure at the corners and the bottom of pillars leading to the failure of pillars, and then spreading of the failure to the rim of goaf roof and the upper zones results in the total collapse of the roof, and (3)The goaf stays stable after excavationl and excavations, but goes to unstable after the last step of excavation.