基于产权价值理论,将农地价格评估方法扩展到林地价格评估中,采用还原收益法,在分析评估林地价格时将林地的经济权价值、社会保障权价值、发展权价值和生态权价值引入到林地价格的评估方法之中,建立了一套林地被征占用时的价格评估体系;以浙江省临安市为例对杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)林地价格进行了初步估算,结果表明在全面考虑杉木林地的产权价值后,临安市杉木林地的产权价值为430.57元/m^2,依据产权价值评估的林地价格水平接近当前的工业用地地价水平。
Based on the theory of property value, forest land(Chinese fir stand)in Lin'an, Zhejiang province was evaluated by income capitalization method, combined with economic value, social security value, development value and ecological value. The result demonstrated that the property value of Chinese fir stand in Lin'an was 430.57 yuan RMB/m^2, and close to the current price for industrial land.