In order to reduce switching losses, medium and high power motor drive systems operate at very low switching frequencies, which are usually several kilohertz or even several hundred hertz. Carrier modulation or ordinary SVPWM strategy will generate serious current distortion, owing to such low switching frequencies. Hence, special switching strategies are applied. Optimal pulse modulation and predictive control are commonly used for such special applications. Optimal pulse modulation is based on the idea of modulation. Although it is a mature and widely used method, its limitation,such as huge computation and low dynamic characteristics, has already been discovered by scholars. An alternative method is predictive control, which was proposed in 1983. However, due to the restriction of hardware, it took over 20 years to draw the attention of scholars. In recently, intensive research on predictive control started. In this paper, optimal pulse modulation and predictive control are reviewed and the design principles of two methods are analyzed. Research results of recent years are summarized while the benefits and defects of these methods are surveyed. Finally the problems worth for further investigations are prospected.