2006年在皖东明光市紫阳林场,马尾松毛虫Dendrolimus punctatus种群中发生由球孢白僵菌Beauveria bassiana引起的流行病。本研究通过4对引物,对采自流行区的44株球孢白僵菌进行28S rDNAⅠ型内含子分析,以探讨流行菌株的遗传多样性及遗传类型。结果显示,存在8种不同内含子单倍型。各单倍型所占比例不同,其中BABA型占据优势地位,为79.55%;BCBC和BCBA型次之,皆为4.54%;而BAAA等5种单倍型仅各占2.27%。表明引起自然流行病的球孢白僵菌是一个异质性的群体。从生态适应性的角度出发,在球孢白僵菌种群中占据主导地位的BABA型菌株,今后可以作为明光地区生防菌株的重点筛选对象。
To study the genotype and genetic diversity of the prevailing strains, a 28S rDNA intron marker-based genetic analysis was performed on 44 fungal strains representing the prevailing strains of Beauveria bassiana on Dendrolimus punctatus in Mingguang.A diversity of 8 halpotypes appeared in the fungal population.Among them,the genotype BABA dominated the fungal population at a frequency of 79.55%,and the genotypes BCBC and BCBA followed by 4.54%,whereas other 5 genotypes such as BAAA only occupied a percentage of 2.27% for each.The different genotype frequency indicated that the strains of B.bassiana with different genetic background had different genetic stability and ecological adaptability.Consideration of ecological adaptability,those strains with a genotype of BABA may serve as a key biological control agent for D.punctatus in Mingguang.