Substance stocks and flows analysis can provide the scientific basis for formulating resource policies, industrial policies and environmental policies at regional, national and urban levels. Material stock analysis at urban level usually adopts bottom-up methodology because of problems in data accessibility. In this paper, bottom-up methodology is adopted to identify iron and aluminum stocks in Handan city in 2005. Based on previous research findings and experiences, the system topology of metals stocks used at urban areas is firstly established, which comprises of five subsystems of construction, infrastructure, transportation, durable goods and equipment subsystems. Each subsystem is further divided into several sub-systems or units. Then, the unit scale and use intensity of iron and aluminum are identified for each unit and subsystem. Finally, the iron and aluminum stocks at urban system level are calculated based on the stocks at unit level. The results show that per capita stock of iron in Handan is 1, 333kg, while it is 2,300 kg in Beijing and 9,110 kg in New Haven of USA. Of the total iron stock in Handan, 66.6% is in buildings while it is 52.7% in New Haven city of USA. The second largest iron stock is in infrastructure, which occupies 19.7 % of the total. The third is in transportation system with a percentage of 7.9. Though Handan is the iron-based city, the iron stocked in machinery equipments occupies only 3.5 %. Per capita stock of aluminum is 19.6kg in Handan, accounting for 1/68 of total iron stock. Of which, 61.5% of aluminum stock is in buildings, 24.4% in transportation, 15.9% in commodities, 4.1% in infrastructure and 0.1% in machinery equipments. Though the bottom-up method is strongly dependent on the topology structure and data access, it does provide a feasible methodology to identify metals stocks in urban areas. This work is expected to provide basis for the following-up studies.