目的 探讨人体引诱物氨与驱避剂避蚊胺(DEET)之间存在的缔合作用,并研究该缔合作用对蚊虫驱避活性的影响.方法 用Y型嗅觉仪分别测定氨、DEET、氨与DEET缔合物对白纹伊蚊的行为反应.结果 氨的浓度为10 mg/L时,对白纹伊蚊有明显的引诱作用,1000和100 mg/L时有微弱引诱作用;DEET的浓度为1000和0.1 mg/L时,对白纹伊蚊有微弱驱避作用,其他浓度作用不明显;浓度为1 mg/L的氨与浓度为1 mg/L的DEET等比例混合物,对白纹伊蚊具有明显的驱避作用;浓度为1000和0.1 mg/L的DEET与同等浓度的氨等比例缔合后,既无驱避效果,也无引诱效果.结论 氨与DEET存在缔合作用,且该缔合作用能增强白纹伊蚊的驱避行为反应.通过研究人体引诱物与驱避剂的缔合作用为驱避机制研究提供新的思路.
Objective To evaluate the interaction between attractant ammonia and repellent N,N-diethyl-3-methyl benzoyl amide (DEET) used on human body and to study its influence on their repelleney to mosquitoes. Methods Y-tube olfactometer was adopted to test the influence of ammonia, DEET, and association compound of ammonia and DEET on the behavior of Aedes albopictus. Results The attractant ammonia showed significant attraction for Ae. albopictus at 10 mg/L, but it had weak attraction at 1000 mg/L and 100 mg/L. The repellent DEET showed weak repellency to Ae. albopictus at 1000 mg/L and 0.1 mg/L, but bad little repellency at other concentrations. The combination of ammonia (1 rag/L) and DEET (1 mg/L) at a ratio of 1 : 1 showed significant repellency to Ae. albopictus, while the combination of DEET (1000 or 0.1 rag/L) and ammonia (with the same concentration as DEET) at a ratio of 1 : 1 showed neither attraction nor repellency. Conclusion There is association between ammonia and DEET, which can increase the repellency to Ae. albopictus. The study on association between human attractant and repellent provides a new idea for the understanding of repellent mechanism.