This paper examines how population ageing and family planning policy adjust- ment affect China's household's saving, human capital investment and economic growth in a three period overlapping generation model with bilateral inter-generation transfer and parents' self-interest and altruism motivation. The main findings are as follows: under current reason- able parameters of China's economy, the population aging has negative effect on saving, hu- man capital investment and economic growth; the higher the transfer rate from adult children to old parent, the lower the economic growth rate, household saving rate and education in- vestment rate- relaxing one-child policy will benefit economic growth, if the fertility rate will not rebound to a much high Ievel- Our simulation results also shows that, as the longevity keep rising and the pressure of old-age support is increasing, fertility policy adjustment, although to a certain extent, can slow down the negative impact of population aging on econom- ic growth but cannot fundamentally reverse it. It is extremely important to improve the speed of human capital accumulation and the efficiency of human capital investment for further cop- ing with the challenge of population ageing.