采煤活动引起的地表沉陷和生态环境问题是制约矿区可持续发展的重要因素。以焦作矿区为例,开采沉陷面积达70.16 km2,最大沉陷深度超过8 m,导致一系列严重生态环境问题,如土壤侵蚀、土壤肥力下降、植被退化等。在低山丘陵沉陷区土地修筑梯田或改为缓坡地,在平原沉陷区采用排水、煤矸石或粉煤灰充填、挖深垫浅等工程措施。同时,采用种植大豆、花生等豆科植物或禾本科植物、增施有机肥等措施提高复垦土壤质量。
Land subsidence and ecological problems caused by underground mining threaten seriously the sustainable develop- ment of mining areas. The comprehensive consolidation and ecological reclamation of coal mining areas in Jiaozuo county, northwest of Henan province, was studied. The total subsided areas amount to 70.16 km2 and the maximum subsided depth is more than 8 meters. A series of serious problems, such as soil erosion, soil fertility declining and vegetation degeneration, are caused by land subsidence. Engineering measures were adopted for the subsided lands in hilly areas to rebuild the land as types of terrace and gentle slope, and that in plain areas to renovate with methods, such as drainage, filling with coal waste rocks or fly ashes, deepening lower subsidence and filling higher subsidence. At the same time, biological measures, such as planting peanuts, soybean and other legume perennial or annual herbs, and adding organic fertilizer were used to improve the reclaimed soil's quality.