The Pearl River Estuary contains a complex river network which characterizes the confluence of the three rivers in the Pearl system and the eight waterways to the sea. Hence, distinct uncertainties exist within the hydrodynamic force. Additional elements, for instance, fast urbanization, estuary sand excavation, river realignment, hydraulic engineering and sea level rise contribute to the salt water intrusion in water resource system located in estuary area for its extreme complexity. In this paper, the data of daily and hourly salinity sequence in dry season for the last 10 years (2001-2011 ) from Guangchang Station in the Modaomen Waterway are studied by using wavelet analysis. The result shows that consistence truly exists in the periodic features between salinity changes in the Modaomen Waterway and the tide. The day period (24.6 h) and half-month period (14.6 d) are evident, while the half-day period (12.3 h) and month period (30 d) not obvious.