为了从图像分辨率低且具有明显稀疏性的逆合成孔径雷达(inverse synthetic aperture radar,ISAR)像中提取目标的平滑轮廓,在ISAR像建模的基础上,提出了基于形态学方法提取ISAR像目标轮廓并使用小波分析平滑目标轮廓的方法。实验结果表明,该方法有效地消除了由ISAR像稀疏性导致的难以提取连通且完整的目标轮廓的问题,相比其他轮廓提取手段更适于ISAR像目标的平滑轮廓提取。该方法通过对ISAR像进行图像域分析获得了目标的连通、平滑轮廓,使后续ISAR像目标特征提取和识别更易于实现。
It is difficult to extract smooth contours from inverse synthetic aperture radar(ISAR) images because their low resolution makes them sparse in image domain.The ISAR images with noise and clutter are modeled first.Then a method separating objects' contours from the background in ISAR images is presented.The method consists of a morphology-based contour extraction algorithm of ISAR images and a contour smoothing process based on wavelet analysis.The experiment's results show that the method avoids the difficulty introduced by the ISAR images' sparsity,which makes it hard to get connected and smooth contours.It gives better results than some other contour extraction methods and is suitable for extracting objects' smooth contours from ISAR images.ISAR images can be better used for feature extraction and automatic recognition after extracting the smooth contours through image domain analysis.