从采自中国东北大、小兴安岭地区18个国家级自然保护区的红菇属真菌标本中鉴定出23个种,其中确认3个为此前未在中国报道过的种:果香红菇Russula amoenolens(腐味组sect.Foetentinae Melzer&Zvára)、暗红红菇R.atrorubens(浅绿组sect.Vidantinae)和诺尔亚红菇R.nuoljae(黑紫色组sect.Atropurpurinae)。该3个种原始描述均来自欧洲,在大、小兴安岭地区,它们生长于落叶松和白桦形成的混交林下。通过形态特征和ITS序列的对比证实了它们与欧洲或北美的标本为同种。
Based on the collections made from the Greater and Lesser Hinggan Mountains, northeastern China, 23 species of Russula were recognized. Among them, three species, Russula amoenolens, R. atrorubens and R. nuoljae, originally described from Europe, were found from China for the first time. They belong to sect. Foeteninae, sect. Vidantinae and sect Atropurpurinae respectively, and grow in mixed forests of Larix gmelini and Betula platyphylla. Comparison of the morphologica characters and ITS sequences confirmed that our collections are conspecific with European and North American ones .