报道采自内蒙古自治区赤峰市及呼伦贝尔市等地的伞菌和牛肝菌4目24科65属201种,其中包括86种食用菌,24种药用菌和23种有毒种类,其他为经济价值尚不明确的种。其中有8种为本地区分布的中国新记录种,即大孢锥盖伞Conocybe macrospora(G.F.Atk.)Hauskn.、卡西米尔丝膜菌Cortinarius casimiri(Velen.)Huijsman、棕黑丝膜菌C.diasemospermus Lamoure、黏膜丝膜菌C.mucosus(Bull.)J.Kickx f.、假变形丝膜菌C.pseudotalus Rob.Henry、美柄丝膜菌C.venustus P.Karst.、春丝膜菌C.vernus H.Lindstr.&Melot和黄棕丝盖伞Inocybe fuscidula Velen.,并首次在该地区发现松口蘑Tricholoma matsutake(S.Ito&S.Imai)Singer。
Among 4 orders, 24 families, 65 genera, 201 species of agarics and boletoid fungi col- lected from Chifeng and Hulun Buir areas of eastern Inner Mongolia , 86 species are edible, 24 spe- cies are medicinal, 23 species are poisonous and other species are unknown. 8 species are new to China, including Conocybe macrospora ( G.F. Atk. ) Hauskn., Cortinarius casimiri ( Velen. ) Huijs- man, C. diasemospermus Lamoure, C. mucosus ( Bull. ) J. Kickx f., C. pseudotalus Rob. Henry, C. venustus P. Karst. and C. vernus H. Lindstr. & Melot. and Inocybe fuscidula Velen. Tricholoma mat- sutake (S. Ito & S. Imai) Singer was discovered in this area for the first time.