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  • ISSN号:1001-6791
  • 期刊名称:《水科学进展》
  • 时间:0
  • 分类:TP75[自动化与计算机技术—控制科学与工程;自动化与计算机技术—检测技术与自动化装置]
  • 作者机构:[1]北京大学城市与环境学院地表过程分析与模拟教育部重点实验室,北京100871
  • 相关基金:国家杰出青年科学基金项目(40525003)资助.



Based on the hyperspectral remote sensing technique, the hyperspectral characteristics of Chlorella vulgaris, Synechococcus sp. and their mixed algae were obtained in the laboratmy. The concentrations of Chl. a for the three groups of algae were measured. Neural network technique was used to fit the curves of algae. The fitted spectral values and measured spectral values were used to establish the quantitative models of Chl. a. The optimal hyperspectral model of Chlorella vulgaris was Chl. a = 1 × 10^7 (R687) 2 -37016 R687 + 53.64, which was created using measured values, and the optimal hyperspectral model of Synechococcus sp. was Chl. a = 853.15 × [ R ^- 1 (669) - R ^- 1 (730) ] × R (730) + 505.78, which was built using measured values too. Based on the models of two individual algae, single band, two bands spectral ratio and three bands spectral ratio separation models were created to separate the mixed algae. The results showed that single band models were better than two bands spectral ratio models and the models using fitted spectral values were better than models using measured values, and the results of three bands spectral models are not good and thus not appropriate for this research.

期刊论文 56
  • 《水科学进展》
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • 主管单位:中华人民共和国水利部
  • 主办单位:水利部交通运输部 南京水利科学研究院 中国水利学会
  • 主编:张建云
  • 地址:南京市广州路225号
  • 邮编:210029
  • 邮箱:skxjz@nhri.cn
  • 电话:025- 85829770
  • 国际标准刊号:ISSN:1001-6791
  • 国内统一刊号:ISSN:32-1309/P
  • 邮发代号:28-146
  • 获奖情况:
  • 全国水利系统优秀期刊、全国中文核心期刊(1996),1999年第三次被评为江苏省优秀期刊
  • 国内外数据库收录:
  • 俄罗斯文摘杂志,美国化学文摘(网络版),波兰哥白尼索引,荷兰文摘与引文数据库,美国工程索引,美国剑桥科学文摘,日本日本科学技术振兴机构数据库,中国中国科技核心期刊,中国北大核心期刊(2004版),中国北大核心期刊(2008版),中国北大核心期刊(2011版),中国北大核心期刊(2014版),中国北大核心期刊(2000版)
  • 被引量:24332