In order to estimate the cosmic radiation dose to the flight crew during the 2004-2014 flight and make radiation pro-tection management work of the flight personnel scientific,this paper calculates the annual dose of flight personnel based on Monte Carlo method.That is to say,A radiation dose which is received by a flight crew during a flight can be calculated according to the following information:based on the earth cosmic radiation dose database established by Monte Carlo method;the effective dose calculation system CARD of cosmic radiation developed by civil aviation Administration of China which needs the following information such as flight routes, airports and dates, etc. Based on the flight dose calculation of 459 routes of a certain airline between 2004-2014 years, it is 2004 that flight personnel with an average annual effective dose of the minimum;it is 2009 that flight personnel with an average annual effective dose of the maximum;the flight crew annual effective dose is inversely proportional to the heliocentric pressure.The calculated results indicate that all flight personnel of the airline are subject to radiation dose within the recommended limits of the international standard between 2004-2014 years.