All graphs are finite simple undirected graph with no isolated vertices in this paper, p and q are prime number. The graph Г is said to be G-vertex-transitive or edge-transitive if its automorphism group G acts transitively on the vertex set or edge set of Г. Gα is the stabilizer of α in automorphism group G for a α ∈ V(Г), the set of vertices adjacent to α is called the neighborhood of α in F and denoted by Г(α), F is said to be locally-transitive if Gα is transitive on Г(α). In the paper we take advantanged of the relationships among vertex-transitive, edge-transitive and locallytransitive graphs and the theorey of the cosets graphs and completed the classification of graphs on which a metacylic group of orderacts locally transitively. The main results are: that the graphs which the group of order pq acts loclly transitively are arc-transitive graphs, edge-transitive graphs or the union of some edge-transitive graphs.