A common but controversial view: vertical linkages (especially international vertical spe- cialization) have exacerbated the global trade decline. This paper uses a global input-output framework to simulate the impacts of vertical linkages. It shows that, if the global production network operates normally, then the vertical linkages do not aggravate, and sometimes even alleviate to certain extent, the fall of the global trade. The decline of the trade of intermediate products is far less than the decline of the final products. However, since the trade of the intermediate products consists of two thirds of the total trade, it explains as large as 49% of the global trade decline. The decline of non-vertical specialization and vertical specialization are almost the same. Due to the smaller weight of the latter, the decline of vertical specializa- tion explains less than 28% of the global trade decline. After comparing with the estimation results of real data, this paper shows that: once the supply side suffered exogenous shock, and the global production network, as well as, vertical linkages was destroyed, the trade of intermediate products and vertical specialization would decline sharply, triggering the global trade to collapse.