Sparse representation has become an important seismic processing technology. Matching pursuit ( MP ) algorithm is often used in sparse decomposition of seismic signal, but the resulting method is not sparse. Another common algorithm , orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) algorithm, is much sparser than MP, but the complexity of OMP algorithm is too high. In order to overcome those problems, we propose a rapid method of decomposition, which is combined repeated weighted boosting search (RWBS) with OMP. The search space is significantly reduced by investigating the frequency scope of given seismic records. Application of the proposed method to synthetic data and real data of seismic, and comparison of the results with other used decomposition approaches of MP and OMP, illustrate the ability of our approach to provide seismic data decomposition results highly localized in both sparsity and running time. Numerical simulations show that, algorithm based on RWBS performed much better than the traditional ones in terms of running time, sparsity and accuracy. Competed with OMP algorithm, the running time of new algorithm based on RWBS is reduced by about 87% compared with MP algorithm, it is declined by about 50%.