采用结构变更原理和单元传递矩阵法,分析了单一水平胞壁缺损对双层全三角格栅材料应力分布的影响规律。根据全三角格栅结构胞壁以拉压变形为主的特性和结构变更原理,将缺损胞壁对结构应力的影响等效为一对集中力作用下的完整桁架结构应力分布。理论分析发现:缺损胞壁对周围胞壁应力影响呈指数形式递减,递减系数可通过结构单元传递矩阵的特征值求得,与胞壁的缺损程度无关。本文中缺损胞壁对双层全三角格栅结构应力影响递减系数为0.267 9,此结论通过有限元模拟得到验证。
The effects of an imperfect horizontal strut of two-layer fully triangular grid material on the stress distri- bution are investigated analytically and numerically. Based on the structural variation method, an analytical equiva- lent model was proposed to quantify the influence of the imperfect strut on the stress distribution of the structure. The results show that the influence is independent with the imperfection degree and the stresses caused by the im- perfect strut are decaying in a fixed rate that is equal to the Saint-Venant decay rate obtained by the transfer matrix method. The finite element simulations are used to validate the predictions.