以新型淡水发光菌——青海弧菌Q67(Vibrio-qinghaiensis sp.Q67)为检测生物,应用Veritas^TM微孔板光度计测定了甲醇等20种常见水溶性有机溶剂对Q67的毒性效应.结果表明,乙腈、甲醇、乙醇、丙酮、乙醚、四氢呋喃和异丙醇7种有机溶剂具有非单调J型剂量-效应关系,其他13种为典型S型剂量-效应关系.分别采用Biphasic、Logit和Weibull等非线性函数进行曲线模拟,利用模拟函数可有效估算有机溶剂的各个效应浓度ECx值.不同组成和结构的有机溶剂对淡水发光菌的毒性效应不同,官能团相同的直链溶剂含碳数越多毒性越大.
The Q67 toxicities of 20 kinds of common water-soluble organic solvents ethanol, et al were determined using new type fresh water luminescent bacterium, Vibrio-qinghaiensis sp. Q67 as detecting organism, appling Veritas^TM photometer. 7 kinds of organic solvents including acetonitrile, methanol, ethanol, acetone, ether, tetrahydrofuran, and isopropanol possessed non-monotone J-type dose-effect relationship, the other 13 kinds were typical S- type dose-effect relationship. Adopting respectively Biphasic, Logit, and Weibull nonlinear functions to carry out curve fitting, utilizing fitted function could estimate effectively each effect concentration ECx value of organic solvent. The toxic effect of organic solvent of different composition and structure on fresh water luminescent bacterium was different. The more the carbon containing amount of straight chain solvent of same, the greater the toxicity.