Using freshwater photobecteria-Vibrio-qinghaiensis as indicator organism,96-well microplate as experimental reaction carrier, microplate luminometer as testing equipment to determine luminous intensity of photobacteria, the photobacterium luminescence inhibition toxicities of aniline ( A1), 2-methylaniline ( A2 ), 4-methylaniline ( A3 ), 2-nitroaniline ( A4 ), 4-nitroaniline (AS), and their mixtures were determined. The joint toxicity varieties of various mixtures to photohacteria were examined by a nonlinear least-squares fitting technique combined with the dose addition (DA)and independent action (IA)principles. Firstly, an optimal microplate toxicity experiment was designed by 12 different test concentrations in 3 replicates for each of poisons and 12 water untreated controls in 1 plate and every plate in 3 replicates at least. Then, the experimental dose-response data were fitted using various nonlinear functions and the results showed that the dose-response curve (DRC)for each of five individual compounds was effectively characterized by Logit or Weibull function. The-logEC50 values of five substituted anilines (ham A1 to A5)computed by the fitted DRC models were 2.11, 2.35, 2.49, 3.60, and 3.88, respectively (unit of concentration: mol·L^-1 ), which revealed that the toxic order was aniline ( A1 ) 〈2-methylaniline ( A2 ) 〈4-methylaniline ( A3 ) 〈 2-nitroaniline (A4)〈4-nitroaniline (A5). Thirdly, the toxicities of the fixed concentration ratio mixtures designed based on 3 equivalent-effect concentrations such as EC50, EC10, and EC1 were determined in the same method as the individual toxicant and results showed that the DRCs of the mixtures were expressed as a Box-Cox-Logit or Box-Cox-Weibull function. Finally, the response curves of the mixtures were compared with the predictive response curves derived from the DA and IA models respectively and the results implied that there are no significant difference between the experimental response