The primary theory and design of a fiber-optic potential transformer for 110 kV transmission lines is investigated. The transformer is based on the converse piezoelectric effect of quartz. High AC voltage is applied to the quartzes by metal electrodes and the electric field is parallel to the sensitive axis of quartzes. There are two elliptical-core dual-mode fibers. The piezoelectric deformation of the cyllnder-shaped transducer crystal induced by an applied AC voltage is sensed by the first dual-mode fiber, which acts as a sensor fiber. The second dual-mode fiber acts as a receiver fiber to track the modulation of the differential phase of the LP01 mode and LP11^even mode of the sensor fiber. This method comes from the technology of white light interference which includes two interferometers in tandem, the unbalanced sensor and the receiver interferometers, respectively. The source is a 780 nm low-coherence multimode laser diode with 5 mW. And the design of the parameters of transformer is discussed, including the mechanical and optic-fiber designs as well as the estimation of loops of sensor fiber. Finally, the operational conditions for the transformer and the requirements on performance are described.