报道了湖南紫菀属Aster一新变种——垂茎三脉紫菀A.ageratoides var.pendulus W.P.Li&G X.Chen。新变种与宽伞三蔓脉紫菀A.ageratoides var.laticorymbus(Vant.)Hand.-Mazz.最为接近,但以如下特征与之相区别:茎下垂,基生叶和茎下部叶背面常为紫色,茎生叶常条形,叶上面被糙毛,总苞片较宽。新变种因叶常条形和舌状花白色而与小花三脉紫菀A.ageratoides var.microanthus Ling相似,但总苞片顶端旱绿色,1.25-1.75mm宽,具明显横走地下茎而不同。
Aster ageratoides var. pendulus W. P. Li & G. X. Chen, a new variety of Aster (Asteraceae) from Shimen County, northwestern Hunan, China, is described. The variety is similar to A. ageratoides var. laticorymbus (Vant.) Hand.-Mazz., from which it differs by having pendent stem, basal leaves and lower stem leaves purple beneath, stem leaves linear, hispid above, and broader phyllaries. The new variety is also possibly similar to A. ageratoides var. micranthus Ling in the linear leaves and white ligules, but differs by having the phyllaries green at apex, 1.25-1.75 mm wide, and the obvious creeping underground rhizomes.