提高医疗质量和患者安全的团队策略和工具包(team strategies and tools to enhance performance and patient safety,TeamSTEPPS),它定义了4项可被训练的团队合作核心技能,即领导力、情境监控、相互支持和有效沟通,是目前应用较成功的医疗团队合作培训项目,其效能已被证实.将TeamSTEPPS应用于全科医疗培训,可为全科医疗临床教学寻求新的教学模式.
TeamSTEPPS (team strategies and tools to enhance performance and patient safety) defines four core capabilities in teamwork which can be trained: leadership,situation monitoring,mutual support and communication.TeamSTEPPS is a successful medical team training project and its effectiveness has been proved.The application of TeamSTEPPS can provide a new teaching model for general practice training.