本研究采集同一地区三家规模化蛋鸡场的饲料、肛拭子和病死鸡样品共813份,分别采用本实验室改进的环介导等温扩增技术(LAMP)、普通PCR技术以及美国农业部沙门氏菌分离培养标准(USDA MLG 4.05)进行沙门氏菌检测,并对分离株进行血清型鉴定及ERICPCR分型.结果,三种方法均检出沙门氏菌阳性16份,检出率同为1.97%.其中病死鸡、饲料和肛拭子中检出率分别为11.29%、3.03%和1.02%.16株禽源沙门氏菌中有7种血清型,其中12株沙门氏菌ERIC PCR分型相似性均小于90%.结果表明,本实验室改进的LAMP方法与PCR方法检出率相同,与USDA MLG 4.05的符合率为100%.16株沙门氏菌血清型多样,分子分型的相似度低.
In this study, Salmonella were screened in 813 samples from three layer farms including feeds, anal swabs, and dead layers by modified LAMP, PCR and USDA MLG 4.05. Isolated Salmonella were typed by serotype identification and ERIC-PCR. 16 samples were positive for Salmonella and positive rates of three methods were the same (1. 97%). Positive rate in dead layers, feeds and anal swabs was 11.29%, 3.03% and 1.02%, respectively. 7 serotypes existed among 16 isolates. Similarity of 12 isolates was lower than 90%. It suggested, coincidence rates of modified LAMP and PCR with the USDA MLG 4.05 were both 100%. Serotypes of Salmonella with low similarity among genotypes in three farms were varied.