In this paper, we develop a base twin-principal-agency model between a minority shareholder, a controlling shareholder and a manager to analyze the two types of agency problems existing in many China's listed companies: the conflicts of interest between shareholders and managers as well as the conflicts of interest between the controlling shareholder and the minority shareholders. Based on this model, we mainly analyze the relationship between the controlling shareholder's tunneling and the concentration of corporate ownership structure as well as the firm valuation. We find that.. 1) in equilibrium, the investors' legal protection determines the concentration of corporate ownership structure. As the legal protection degree increases, the minority shareholders would increase the optimal investment level and the corporate ownership structure would become more dispersed. 2) After the determination of the corporate cash-flow ownership structure, the conflicts of interest between shareholders and managers would reduce the firm valuation and damage the interests of both the controlling shareholder and the minority shareholders. Tunneling hy the controlling shareholder decreases with his cash-flow rights, increases with the separation of his control rights and cash-flow rights and decreases with the investors' legal protection level. 3) By comparison with the case in which only exist the conflicts of interest between shareholders and managers, tunneling by the controlling shareholder would further reduce the firm value, and the degree of reduction would increase with the separation of the controlling shareholder's control rights and cash-flow rights. 4) When the controlling shareholder cannot do tunneling, even the interest of minority shareholders still suffer the damage caused by the conflicts of interest between the shareholders and the mangers, but in equilibrium, the minority shareholders would entrust all their wealth to the controlling shareholder, and consequently in this case the corporate