20世纪90年代以来,熊彼特增长理论(Schumpeterian Growth Theory)的兴起极大地丰富和发展了经济增长理论,其不仅为内生的技术进步和经济增长提供了一种新的解释,而且为我们研究其他问题提供了一个更为一般性的分析框架。熊彼特增长理论的核心特征是内生的研发和创新是推动技术进步和经济增长的决定性因素。本文从代表性的熊彼特增长模型、熊彼特增长理论的应用、基于熊彼特增长理论的实证研究、熊彼特增长理论面临的挑战与未来发展等几个方面较为详细地回顾了近二十年来这一领域发展中较为重要的文献。本文旨在通过梳理这一领域文献的发展脉络和内在演化逻辑,为国内学者研究熊彼特增长理论提供一些线索。
The birth of the Schumpeterian Growth Theory in the 1990s has ma,de a great contribution to the literature of economic growth. This theory gives us a new explanation for endogenous technological change, as well as provides us a good framework through which we can analyze other problems. The essential feature of this theory is that technological change and growth are generated by endogenous R&D investment and innovation. This paper reviews the literature over the last twenty years and points out new directions for the future.