High popularity of social networking platforms have made each Internet user become publishers and communicators of the news information. Most of the news' content is difficult to distinguish between true and false, which leads to a trust crisis of the online news information. There was a lot of research about the online news, but researchers rarely studied the perceptual characteristics of online news from the perspective of psychology, and no study examined individuals' cognitive style of the online news makers and its impact on online trust. The present study focused on the above-mentioned issues. Based on the social classification theory, hierarchical sorting was used to collect similarity data between different online news makers, and multidimensional scaling was used to explore the dimensions underlying the social classification. Then the relationships between different dimensions of social classification and the trust perception were explored. Researchers first collected 128 types of news figures which appeared in a high frequency in the online news through an open questionnaire from 237 participants, and then asked the 34 participants (10 males and 24 females) to divide the news figures into 30 categories based on the similarity in certain respects between the figure types, and gradually to merge categories until the completion of the hierarchical sorting task. The researchers collected the data about the classification and the similarity reasons of each type. After the classification task, participants evaluated the degree of trust about each figure on a five-point Likert scale. A program evaluated the value of each figure group based on the similarity between the figure types, and the data about the similarity between the figure types was transformed into matrices and was analyzed by SPSS 17.0. The results showed that: (1) there were three dimensions about the social classification of the online news figures, namely, social status, social distance, traditional vs. non-traditional. (2)