This paper provided a new perspective on the evolution of settlement patterns and possible influence factors between the Neolithic and Bronze Age in Hualong County. Based on the surveyed archaeological settlement patterns, published archaeological data and climate records, we employed regional settlement hierarchy and rank-size analysis to investigate settlement patterns from Neolithic to Bronze Age (5.3 2.6kaB. P. ) in Hualong County. The population of Hualong County and Qinghai Province was represented by the site frequency ( site number/duration of the site occupation) and summed cumulative probability of calibrated radiocarbon data respectively. Each of five pollen sequences from the eastern Tibetan Plateau was resampled into 400-year bins by averaging tree pollen percentages of all samples in a binned interval. The binned tree pollen percentages were then standardized to zero mean and unit standard deviation. All standardized tree pollen curves were averaged to generate the composite regional tree pollen record, with standard error as an estimate of errors and variations. Finally, the evolution of settlement patterns was identified in Hualong County, as well as the possible factors. To be specific,the evolution could be divided into three periods, 1 )During the Majiayao period (5.3 - 4.0kaB. P. ) , this region developed as a settlement area but the population density was not high. The site-size distributions of this period manifested two levels,one possible primary center (900, 000 square meters) and 32 villages. The rank-size graph expressed a primate curve clearly and suggested an integrated regional social system. The possible reasons for this situation were population migration from surrounding areas, under favorable climate conditions which was supported by the fact of the composite regional pollen curve characterized with high tree pollen abundance at 6.0 4.0kaB. P. 2)The Qijia culture (4. 2 -3. 8kaB. P. )witnessed a generally stable population and an abrupt decline of both sit