新石器文化演化及其与气候变化的关系是学术界关注的热点问题。甘青地区是中国新石器文化遗存最为丰富的区域之一,同时也是对气候变化响应敏感的区域。通过对甘青地区考古调查、14 C测年数据和全新世气候研究成果的总结和对比,分析了该地区新石器文化时空演化过程及其环境动力的研究进展和存在的问题,并对未来的研究工作提出几点展望。现有研究资料表明,甘青地区新石器文化时空演化可分为4个主要阶段,大地湾文化一期(7 800~7 200aBP)和仰韶文化早中期(6 700~5 500aBP)文化规模小,主要分布在天水以东地区;仰韶文化晚期—马家窑文化早中期(5 500~4 800aBP)文化第一次大规模扩张,规模迅速壮大;马家窑文化晚期—齐家文化时期(4 500~3 800aBP)文化第二次大规模扩张,规模达到鼎盛。甘青地区新石器时期的气候变化可能对文化发展和转型产生了重要影响,但并非惟一的影响因素,该地区新石器中晚期农业发展与传播对文化扩张的影响应引起重视。未来应积累更多、更准确的新石器文化遗存测年数据,提高全新世早中期气候研究的年代分辨率,明确代用指标的气候和环境的指示意义,强化新石器文化时空演化的环境动力的机制研究。加深考古学家和自然科学家的交流,开展合作研究,是推进甘青地区新石器文化演化及其驱动机制研究的有效途径。
The relationship between Neolithic cultural evolution and climate change is a hot issue in geosciences.The Gansu-Qinghai region is an ideal one to study the man-land interaction during the Neolithic period.The environment is susceptible to climate change,and abundant Neolithic relics have been found in the area.In this paper,upon the summarization and comparison of the results of archaeological studies,radiocarbon dating and climate changes during early-mid Holocene in the Gansu-Qinghai region,the advancement and imperfection of the researches on Neolithic cultural evolution and the environmental driving force were discussed,and the tendency of future development in the study field was also presented.According to current results,four primary phases of Neolithic evolution in the Gansu-Qinghai region were concluded.During the first stage of Dadiwan culture(7800~7200 a BP)and the second stage in early-mid Yangshao period(6700~5500 a BP),small scale Neolithic cultures appeared in the Gansu-Qinghai region,which were distributed in the eastern Gansu Province.The Neolithic cultures were expanded and rapidly developed for the first time in the region during the Late Yangshao and early-mid Majiayao periods(5500~4800 a BP),and the second expansion or the most prosperous stage of the Neolithic cultures appeared during the late Majiayao and Qijia periods(4500~3800 a BP).Climate change during the Neolithic period may be one of the factors,which influenced the development and transformation of cultures in the Gansu-Qinghai region.However,it is not the only one.The impact of the development of agriculture on cultural expansion in this region during the mid-late Neolithic period should not be ignored.To better understand the Spatial and temporal distribution of the Neolithic cultures in the region and its influencing factors requires more accurate radiocarbon dating of the Neolithic relics,high-resolution and accurate sequences of climatic changes,and the study of the mechanism of the impact of climate change on