本文通过扫描仪对紫胫长夹蝗Choroedocus violaceipes Miller消化道内外壁进行了扫描,观察到消化道各部位的形态特征:食道直管状,由多列纵行脊组成;嗉囊由V形区、V形脊、柳叶脊、扇形脊和不规则脊组成;前胃杯形,由多列纵行脊组成;贲门是由6个凸出于肠壁的Y形结构环围而成;中肠膜质,约占消化道长度的20%;幽门是由12个幽门瓣环围而成;回肠膜质,由6列纵肌环围而成;结肠较回肠细,由6列纵肌组成;直肠是由回肠和结肠延伸下来的6列纵肌组成,其最大的特征是在6列纵肌之间形成6个直肠垫。本文通过观察紫胫长夹蝗消化道的结构特点,对各部位的长度和功能进行了讨论。该研究不仅为蝗虫消化道的形态学研究提供了一个简单的研究方法,也为蝗虫生理和防蝗治蝗提供依据。
The inner and outer walls of the alimentary canal of Choroedocus violaceipes Miller were observed with a scanner.Morphological features of the alimentary canal are as follows;the esophagus is straight and has several rows of longitudinal ridges;the crop is composed of V-shaped bends,V-shaped ridges,lanceolate ridges,fan-shaped ridges and irregular ridges;the cup-shaped proventriculus has several rows of longitudinal ridges;the cardia are surrounded by 6 Y-shaped structures that protrude from the gut wall;the midgut is membranous and comprises 20% of the length of the alimentary canal;the pylorus is surrounded by 12 pyloric valves;the ileum is membranous and surrounded by 6 rows of longitudinal ridges;the colon is thinner than the ileum and also formed of 6 rows of longitudinal ridges;the rectum is formed from 6 rows of longitudinal ridges that extended from the ileum and colon.The main feature of the rectum is that there are 6 rectal pads between the longitudinal ridges.The length and the function of each part of alimentary canal are discussed.This study not only presents a simple method for investigating the insect alimentary canal but also provides a basis for research on grasshopper physiology and locust control.