维生素E(vitarain E,VE)是当前添加剂研究的热点之一,维生素E具有许多生理作用,其中抗氧化作用是重要功能之一。VE能提高鱼类抗氧化应激能力,增强免疫抗病力,促进健康生长发育,提高成活率,对促进水产养殖业、生产卫生安全的水产品具有重要的意义。文中重点综述了VE对鱼类的抗氧化作用及其机理,同时,讨论了VE和硒的协同抗氧化作用,以便更深入地研究和有效地利用VE调控鱼类生长发育,促进渔业发展。
Vitamin E is one of the favourist additive elements at present study since it is an essential trace element of human being and animals, including fishes, and has not been completely understood. Vitamin E plays many physiological roles and one of important functions is anti-oxidation. Vitamin E can improve anti-oxidative ability, immunity, health, growth, development and the survival rate of fish. The present paper reviews the anti-oxidation and mechanism of vitamin E in fish as well as antioxidative cooperation of vitamin E and selenium. The purpose is to study and apply vitamin E effectively in fishes.