未来科技创新对我国装备制造业的影响主要体现在,生产方式上由传统的机器生产产品将转化为3D 打印产品,发展模式上由资源消耗型粗放式发展模式转化为资源集约型低碳发展模式。今后我国装备制造业需要发展数字化制造,培育装备制造业转型升级的生态系统,发展绿色低碳制造技术,构建产业技术创新战略联盟,以适应未来科技创新与我国装备制造业融合发展的新趋势。
The improvement of the scientific and technical innovation on China's equipment manufacturing industry in future mainly achieves in means of the producing mode from the traditional machine mode to 3D printing one,and of the developing mode from resource-extensive consuming approach to that of resource-intensive approach with low carbon.In future,China's equipment manufacturing industry need to develop digitalized manufacture,foster the eco-logical system of the transformation and upgrading of equipment manufacturing industry,develop the manufacturing technology of green low carbon,and construct the strategic alliance of the innovation-driven industry,so as to adapt to the new trend of the integrative development of the scientific and technical innovation and China's equipment manu-facturing industry in future.