Although the implementation of American quantitative easing monetary policy promoted economic re- covery in the short term, it still brought some negative effect on American economy. Continuous growth of finan- cial deficit will bring US at risk of debt monetization. The implementation of expansionary fiscal policy poses threat to Fed's independence. And most importantly, crowding out effect that the massive government interven- tion on private sector is prominent. Fiscal cliff problems are more serious. A lot of problems lead to negative effect of monetary policy. The crisis damages the effectiveness of American monetary policy. The excessive de- posit reserve soars in financial institutions. Financial accelerator effect occurs in post-crisis era. Thus, for Chi- na, in order to develop economy effectively and smoothly, it is necessary to face the possible disadvantages of ex- pansionary monetary policy correctly. It is still important to handle the relationship between long-term goal and short-term goal. It is also crucial to restore economic vitality by making use of market mechanisms.