提出了一种基于涉图幅度和相位联合的双通道合成孔径雷达(SAR,Synthetic Aperture Radar)地面慢动目标检测方法。在干涉图幅度、相位统计特性分析基础上,充分利用动目标像素点和杂波干扰之间的散射特性差异,通过对干涉图相位进行函数变换,并联合干涉图幅度得到了一种新的动目标检测量,由该检测量并结合邻域平均处理可以较容易地实现动目标的快速精确检测。仿真实验表明:所提检测算法与经典的DPCA(Displaced Phase Center Antenna)、ATI(Along Track Interferometry)方法相比,具有杂波和噪声抑制能力强、稳健性高、适用范围广、可检测速度范围大、检测率高、虚警率低等特点,证明了算法的有效性。
The paper proposes a novel dual-SAR detector based on joint metrics of interferogram' s magnitude and phase for slow ground moving targets. Firstly, according to statistical analysis of interferogram' s magnitude and phase distribution, a novel metrics is proposed by combining interferogram' s magnitude with the variable of interferogram' s phase transformation. Then, slow ground moving target can be exactly detected only by a given threshold. The simulated results prove that the novel detector can achieve better perform- ance than traditional DPCA and ATI, with higher stabilization, the wider range of detection velocity and lower false alarm probability with high detection probability. All the aspects show the effectiveness of the method.