In the competitive market of B2B E-commerce website, as user switching costs and network ex- ternalities could prevent users to switch to later entrant, the earlier entrant has the advantage to build and retain its market share. However, the declining cost of information technology (IT) over time provides the later entrant a cost advantage. In order to maintain competitive advantage, what should the early and late entrant's investment strategies be in the presence of user switching costs, network externalities, and decli-ning IT cost? To analyze this question, considering these three ~actors, information investment strategy model of a duopoly with sequentia entry 1 is developed and the impact of these three factors on IT invest- ment strategy is discussed. The results show that, with the declining IT cost, the early entrant may in- crease its investment in quality, adopting an aggressive investment strategy when switching costs are high. Otherwise, the later entrant may increase its investment in quality, adopting an aggressive investment strategy, and could of{er a higher--quality system and capture a higher market share when switching costs are low. With the enhancement of network externality, the early entrant may increase its investment in quality, adopting an aggressive investment strategy, the later entrant may decrease its investment in quali- ty, adopting a defensive investment strategy.