天然免疫系统通过识别模式识别受体(pattern recognition receptors,PRR)介导的病原相关分子模式(pathogen—associated molecular patterns.PAMP)是抗微生物宿主防御的第1道防线,在机体感染早期发挥重要的保护性作用:在近来的研究中证实除Toll样受体(toll—like receptors,TLRs)外在细胞质内存在另一类识别蛋白:核苷酸结合寡聚结构域(nucleotide—binding oligomerization domain,NODs)。NODs也称为半胱氨酸天冬氨酸蛋白酶相关募集结构域(caspase—associated recruitment domain,CARD),与TLRs有着相似的受体结构,
The nucleotide -binding oligomerization domain (NOD) proteins are recently identified as cytosolic pattern recognition receptors located on innate immune and epithelial cells, and recognize pathogen - associated moleeular patterns. The NOD1 and NOD2, the two members of NOD protein family, have important roles in innate immunity as sensors of microbial components derived from baeterial peptidoglycan. Besides, NOD proteins have been established as key regulators of cell death and cytokine production, they also have been shown to partieipate in the pathogeny of allergic disease such as asthma. This review will focus on the identification and functional characterization of NOD proteins, as well as their role in lung diseases.