准确获知当前可用带宽信息是更加合理、有效使用Ad hoc网络资源的前提。该文提出了一种基于数据帧重传预测的Ad hoc络可用带宽估计方法。该机制通过平均竞争窗口大小估计数据帧碰撞以及重传情况,进而通过多个节点协同工作的方式来估计当前可用带宽。仿真结果表明基于平均竞争窗口的估计方法能够比较准确地估计碰撞情况,采用该机制所估计的可用带宽数值与实际测量值比较接近。
Accurate estimate of available bandwidth can make the Ad hoc network resources be used reasonably and effectively. A novel available bandwidth estimation mechanism based on frame retransmission prediction is proposed. The average size of contention window (CW) is used to evaluate the collision status and the number of frames that need to be retransmitted, and the estimation procedure is accomplished with the method of cooperation between mobile nodes. Results show that the method based on the average size of contention window can evaluate the frames collision status on the link with reasonable accuracy.