KNN is an algorithm based on living engineering practice, so that its classification performance is not high enough for large-scale sample. In view of this shortcoming, a novel pattern classification meth- od of improved KNN was presented on the basis of probability model-based learning vector quantized neu- ral network. Taking the importance of optimal reference point training into consideration, the probability method was combined to obtain the judgment criterion function for the optimal reference point, and the optimal position of reference point was trained with gradient-down optimization algorithm and LVQ. K- nearest neighbor of sample :c was chosen for classification unknown sample and a "vote-election" mecha- nism was used to judge the class of the sample x. By using this new method, the complexity and time of KNN computation was decreased and the shortcoming of KNN in dealing with large-scale data was make up. It was shown by the simulation test on data set in UCI that the improved algorithm was feasible.