One of the key problems of whether the financial safety warning system is able to operate is to make scientific judgment of the degree of financial liberalization. For this purpose, the paper has clarified the theory of financial liberalization, proposed two research hypotheses, designed the factor model to judge the course of the financial liberalization degree and given weighting value to each factor by adopting the layer analysis method. After that it has made an analysis on the constituent factors of the Chinese financial liberalization by using the modified law description index approach to conduct a dynamic judgment of the financial liberalization course from 1994 to 2006. The research conclusion shows that because a gradual strategy is adopted for the Chinese financial liberalization reform and the rhythm control is adequate, it is able to make the financial industry operate smoothly. But it is necessary to notice that together with the incessant speeding up of the financial liberalization course, the fragility of Chinese financial system is increasing so that it is ira- perative to set up the financial safety warning system.