随着我国加入WTO后金融自由化进程不断加快,建立金融安全预警机制,及时掌握金融安全动态,对防止金融危机的爆发至关重要。本文首先在相关文献研究的基础上,依据“三性原则”筛选出能够反映我国金融安全运行状况的20个指标,其次参照国际标准和中国具体实际确定了临界值或区间值,最后经计算得出反映我国金融安全程度的指数——FSI(Financial Security Index),并运用FSI对我国1992~2005年间的金融安全状况进行了评判。通过研究得出结论认为:1992~2005年我国的金融安全总体趋势是逐渐变好,加入WTO虽然并未使我国的金融安全状况变差,但是在目前金融业逐渐开放的条件下仍然需要高度关注金融风险。
With the increasing development of financial liberalization after China's entrance to WTO, constructing a financial security pre-warning mechanisms and obtaining dynamic financial security information timely are becoming more and more important for preventing financial crisis. On the basis of reviewing relevant reference, the author chooses 20 indices, according to Three Attributes Principle, to reflect the operating situation of Chinese financial security. Then, with reference to the international criteria and considering Chinese national conditions, the author calculates FSI(Financial Security Index) to measure the degree of Chinese financial security and makes an evaluation on the financial security from 1992 to 2005 with FSI. The result reveals that from 1992 to 2005, the overall trend of Chinese financial security was getting better, and the entrance to WTO did not worsen our financial security. However, due to the gradual opening in Chinese financial industry, financial risks should be given full concern.