社会关系网络分析(social network analysis,SNA)是综合运用图论、数学模型,来研究个体与个体、个体与其所处社会网络、以及一个社会网络与另一社会网络之间关系的研究方法。SNA不仅仅是一套技术、而是一种关于关系网的方法论。该方法论认为每一个个体都不是独立的,而是通过信息、行为、空间分布、生态因素等连结共生。这让我们以全局视野理解一个动物群体,从两方关系、三方关系、个体与群体间关系、到动态网络模型等角度进行研究,为验证性行为与性选择理论、互惠与合作理论、信息流动与疾病传播理论、个体策略与种群选择理论、界定一个群、预测社会关系网络稳定性等行为生态学领域提供可靠的量化数据,极大地推动了行为生态学的发展。相对于国外的快速发展,SNA在国内动物学研究中的应用仍十分有限。为此,该文结合作者对川金丝猴的研究结果,介绍了SNA的理论背景、概念、测量方法和应用领域,旨在推广SNA在我国行为生态学研究中的跨学科应用。
Social network analysis (SNA) is a framework used to study the structure of societies. As an umbrella term that encompasses various tools of graph theory and mathematical models to visualize networks, SNA allows researchers to detect and quantify patterns in social networks. Within SNA, individuals are not independent, but are symbiotic or linked with one another in a network. Given its powerful analytical tools, SNA is capable of addressing a range of animal behaviors, and has accordingly become increasingly popular in behavioral ecology studies examining such notions as mate choice/sexual selection, cooperation, information flow and disease transition, behavioral strategies of individuals, fitness consequences of sociality and network stability. Nevertheless, SNA it relatively underutilized among Chinese behavioral ecologists. This study aims at highlighting the benefits of SNA in studying animal behaviors in order to promote greater utilization of SNA within Chinese studies. By first introducing social network theory and demonstrating how social networks can influence individual and collective behaviors, this paper provide a prospective overview of SNA's general utilization for the study of animal behavioral ecology as well as promising directions in the overall use of SNA.