血管介入式全身热疗有望在晚期和扩散型肿瘤的治疗中发挥重要作用,相应临床手术的高效实施需要发展治疗计划软件来指导加热剂量的精确给定.本文从已经过验证的人体全身生物传热房室模型出发,开发出一套基于C#.Net与Matlab COM组件的计算机软件.在Matlab中完成热量守恒和差分离散,实现人体全身热效应的数值计算和后处理功能;在C#.Net中通过Heath Carter体型及成分评估策略、IO文件操作、Solidworks丰富了前处理自定义操作、可视化效果后处理和报告功能.本软件对全身热疗的基本问题提出了系统化的解决方案并将其分解为前处理、计算、后处理等几大模块并建立了评估的基本流程,计算案例成功地将全身热疗计划评估通过友好软件用户接口进行了标准化.
Interventional whole body hyperthermia (IWBH) is a very promising way for the treatment of late stage and metastatic cancer. A highly efficiency IWBH operation requires to develop a treatment planning software in order to guide a precise delivery of heating dosage. Based on the well demonstrated compartment bioheat transfer model for the whole human body,this article successfully develops a software by way of C#. Net and Matlab COM technique. The Numerical analysis of energy conservation and finite difference,as well as post processing modules was established in Matlab. In C#. Net, the applications of Heath Carter somatype analysis, IO file manipulation, and Solidworks aided realized the visualization, post-processing and reporting function. The present system provided a systemic solution to the fundamental issues involved in WBH by classifying the task into several main categories such as preprocessing, analysis and postprocessing. The calculation cases further illustrated the standardized work flow for the treatment planning procedures.