Analytically solving three dimensional (3-D) bioheat transfer problem with phase change during a freezing process is extremely difficult, however theoretically importantm. The moving heat source model and the Green function method were introduced for the cryopreservation process of in vitro biomaterials. Exact solutions for the 3-D temperature transients of tissues under various bound- ary conditions such as totally convective cooling, totally fixed temperature cooling and a hybrid between them on tissue surfaces were obtained. Further, the cryosurglcal process in living tissues subject to freezing by a single or multiple cryoprobes was also analytically solved. A closed form analytical solution to the bioheat phase change process by taking account of contributions from blood peffusion heat transfer, metabolic heat generation and heat sink of cryoprobe was derived. The present method is expected to be of significant value for analytically solving complex bioheat transfer problems with phase change.