Aim To study the activation and the prop- erties of chloride channels activated by tanshinone 11 A (Tan 11 A ) in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (CNE-2Z) cells. Methods The whole-cell patch clamp technique was used to record chloride currents. The chloride cur- rents were characterized by extracellular applications of hypertonic challenges and the chloride channel block- ers. Results A chloride current was activated by ex- tracellular applications of tanshinone II A ( 1 nmol · L-1). The current showed significant outward rectifica- tion and was reversed at a potential ( -5.9 :l: 0. 2 mV) close to the calculated equilibrium potential for C1-. There was no significant time- or voltage-dependent in-activation. Hypertonicity-induced cell shrinkages or extracellular applications of the chloride channel bloc- ker 5-nitro-2-( 3-henylpropylamino ) benzoic acid (NPPB) inhibited significantly tanshinone 1/A-activa- ted chloride currents. Conclusions Tanshinone 11 A can induce a C1- current by activation of the chloride channels on the plasmic membrane of CNE-2Z cells. The tanshinone II A-induced current is volume-sensi- tive.