ClC -3 channel is one of voltage -gated chloride channels for chloride ion transmembrane, and participates in a variety of physiological and pathological processes, such as cell volume regulation, proliferation, migration, apoptosis, organic release and acidification of synaptie vesicle. The ClC - 3 channel is controlled by many factors, ineluding phosphorylation and dephosphorylation, to regulate the opening and closing. PKA (protein kinase A), PKB, PKC and calcium calmodulin kinase I1 are the key kinases in cell signal transduetion pathway, which take part in the processes of ClC- 3 channel phosphorylation and regulate their functions. The study of ClC -3 phosphorylation and functions are helpful to understand the importance of ClC - 3 in physiological and pathological processes and are premise to exploit the channel drugs for clinical therapy.