The logic and competition effects of aftermarket monopolization in Chinese high-end motor vehicle distribution are an important controversial topic of aftermarket theory, and also are the bases of antimonopoly policy and enforcement in automobile industry. Based on special vertical organization and complex vertical restraints in high-end brand cars distribution, this paper extends aftermarket theory model to analyze aftermarket monopolization in China motor vehicle distribution. The results show that the leverage of exclusive single brand distribution to aftermarkets is the main reason of aftermarkets monopolization and supra-competitive prices for spare parts and maintenance service. Under which, dominate automobile companies extend market power to aftennarkets by composite and accumulation of vertical restraints on price and non-price terms, consumers are locked in a single manufacture's brand in aftermarket supplies, they have to pay excessively high maintenance price. Aftermarket monopolization is profitable strategic dominant conducts for automobile companies. It eliminates competition of spare parts market and maintenance service market and harms consumer welfare and social welfare, whereas it should be prohibited by antimonopoly law. The goal of antimonopoly policy is to restructure distribution system patterns of brand cars and build competitive aftermarkets system by enact antimonopoly guidelines and enforcement. It is the key of antimonopoly policy to prohibit normal aftermarkets monopolization by exclusive single brand distribution leverage which carried by dominate automobile companies, the antimonopoly agency should ban antieompetitive vertical constraints, realize the free trade of spare parts and effective competition between authorized maintainers and independent maintainers, so as to protnote competition in spare parts market and maintenance service market.