The value-increment utilization of marine shellfish proteins played a very important part in the marine bio-resourses sustainable utilization, enzymatic hydrolusis had becoming a important instrument in the value-increasing, recycling and ecologycal exploitation of marine shellfish proteins. Main types of comercial enzymes were proposed, including neutral protease, flavourzyme, papain, bromelain, pepsin and so on, main parameters of shellfish enzymatic hydrolysis such as hydrolysis degree, physiological fators including antioxidative activity and radical scavenging capacity were also presented. The enzymatic products of shellfish proteins had been widely used as spices, functional food, aninal feed and medicines . The choice of enzymes, the flowsheet for enzymatic hydrolysis, and the applications of enzymatic hydrolysates of marine shellfish proteins were introduced. The research status and future of the utilization of marine shellfish proteins by enzymatic hydrolysis was reviewed. It presents a reference to the utiliztion of comercial enzymes in marine proteins especially shellfish proteins scientificly and industrially.